Who can search for Maxon parts?
Everybody. We allow open access to everyone so that our end-users who maintain their own equipment can identify any needed parts. However, only authorized Maxon part distributors can purchase parts directly from our website. This open version of our e-commerce site only allows to search, list and e-mail parts lists. There is also an option that allows you to search for the closest parts distributor and e-mail your parts list directly to them.

Who can buy Maxon spare parts online?
All authorized Maxon parts distributors.

How do I log in if I am an existing authorized Maxon parts distributor?
Go to https://maxonportal.maxonlift.com. Click on the “Login” link at the top right of the web page. Next, select the “NEW CUSTOMER” button. Proceed to fill ill in your information then click on “Send”. You will receive an email with your login credential. If after 24 hours you still have not received your confirmation email, please check your email spam/junk box. If no email received after this wait period, then please call Cuong Van at 562-464-4388.

How can I become a Maxon parts distributor?
Please contact the Maxon sales representative in your area. You can search for your Maxon sales representative on our website: www.maxonlift.com/contact-us

Can more than one person be set up per distributor?
Yes – go to https://maxonportal.maxonlift.com. Click on the “Login” link at the top right of the web page. Next, select the “NEW CUSTOMER” button. A new email must be used for each user.

What if I forgot my password?
Utilize the “Forgot user name or password” feature on the log-in screen

How do I change my password?
To change your personal password go into My profile => User settings.


How do I search for parts?
There are several different ways to search for a part: 1. Use the provided exploded parts diagrams to locate a part – NOTE: currently only the latest manuals are displayed (valid date and serial number is noted on each page) so make sure your gate falls under this category. If your gate is an older model, you can either contact Maxon Customer Service at 1-800-227-4116 or look up the applicable manual on the Maxon website under “Discontinued Products”: http://www.maxonlift.com/support/discontinued-products . You can locate the correct part number and then just type into the search field on the website (all parts, including legacy parts, are available online). 2. Use the search field and search by part number or text. Make sure that you have the correct part identified. if you have any doubts please contact Maxon Customer Service at 1-800-227-4116.

How do I know what gate I have and what part number I am looking for?
Look at the serial plate on your Maxon liftgate. The first four digits of the serial number indicate the month and year when the gate was built. The model name is stamped in a field below the serial number.

This functionality allows to put together a list of parts into a “package”. This way these parts can be conveniently reordered as a package. This can only be done when you are on the “View Basket” screen. Upon selecting to “save package”, you will need to name the package and will need to decide if you want to share this package with other account users in your group. Use the check box on the screen to share. Uncheck the box if you don’t want to share.

What are “FAVORITES”?
This functionality allows you to keep a record of commonly purchased parts. This selection allows for quick reference to these parts without having to always go through the search function.

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